Franklin County Christian Learning Center

We exist to reach, disciple, and equip students in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.

Providing Bible based instruction to students during their school day.

The Franklin County Christian Learning Center exists to provide students with an opportunity to receive Bible based elective courses during their public school day. Students voluntarily sign up to take the course and must obtain parent permission. Once these two requirements are met, students are allowed to leave school campus in transportation provided by CLC, attend the CLC course for their elective period, and are returned to school to attend the remainder of their courses. This release time education program allows for students to be able to engage in the Word of God as part of their education.

What do we teach?

Our Middle School curriculum walks students through the foundations of the Christian Faith. Middle school is often the time students start exploring not only what they believe, but why they believe it. We encourage them to dig into their faith, by digging into God’s Word. Students are taught the foundations of the Christian faith and given the tools to study their Bibles so they can continue to learn and grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ throughout their lives.


How is this legal?

In 1952 the Supreme Court upheld “Release Time Education” as being constitutional in all 50 states. Justice William O. Douglas, speaking for the majority, concluded that the first amendment prohibits governmental financing of religion or in taking religious instruction, it does not require the government to be hostile toward religion. So in 1952, the United States Supreme court approved “Release Time Education”.


Who Pays for This?

Our program is completely free to our students. We do not charge students to attend. We also do not take any federal funding or assistance from the school system. This program is funded from churches, individuals, and businesses who believe in the importance of our students studying the Word of God as part of their educational curriculum.

Therefore, dear friends, since you know this in advance, be on your guard, so that you are not led away… But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity.

2 Peter 3: 17-18


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

