Exploring the foundations of the Christian faith one class at a time.

  • Foundations 1- 6th Grade

    The sixth grade curriculum is designed to focus on the relational nature of the Christian faith. Being rooted in the understanding that God is our good Father who created the world out of a deep love and affection and who has a design and a purpose for His children, students will learn how to find their identity in that love and then share that love with those around them.

  • Foundations 2- 7th Grade

    The seventh grade curriculum is designed to focus on developing relational faith through the practice of the spiritual disciplines of the Christian life. The saving faith that is given through grace alone by God our good Father through the death and resurrection of Jesus is meant to be practiced, strengthened, and put to work. We begin by seeing how Jesus opens the holy of holies and gives us access to come boldly before the throne of God. Not only that, but He empowers us to put our faith to work and grow closer with Him and do good works for Him as His children.

  • Foundations 3- 8th Grade

    The eighth grade curriculum is designed to focus on the authoritative nature of the Christian faith. Beginning with the understanding that God is our Creator and that we are made in His image, students will learn the importance of recognizing God’s authority in their lives and why it is necessary and good for followers of Christ to trust in and follow the commandments of God. Students will also learn the importance of following the sources of earthly authority in their lives (parents, teachers, governments, etc.) because all earthly authority is given by God. This will impact all relationships in their lives.

  • Comparative Religions- High School

    Offered Fall Semester

    The purpose of this course is to evaluate different world religions and compare and contrast those religions with Christianity. Students will be studying the origin, core beliefs, and fundamental practices of each religion. Students will learn how to share their own personal beliefs with persons of differing religions.

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Registration is now open for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Completing the registration below does not guarantee enrollment. An email will follow this form that will provide details.